Symposium 2019: Whole Health: A Community Approach to Healthcare
Whole Health Symposium Panelists
- Tera Hambrick, Matthew Walker Health Center
- Mark Ison, Sherrard Roe Voigt & Harbison, PLC
- Dr. Jeanne James, State of Tennessee, Division of TennCare
- Caitlyn Page, Waller, Lansden, Dortch & Davis, LLP
- William Wright, Premise Health
Moderator: Taylor Wilkins, Riggs Davie PLC
Whole Health Symposium Morning Keynote Speakers
Professor Larry Van Horn, Vanderbilt University Owen School of Management
Professor Leah R. Fowler, Health Law and Policy Institute
Whole Health Symposium Afternoon Keynote Speaker
Professor Laura Hermer, Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Fall Panel 2018: Interoperability: How Can Blockchain, Healthcare and the Law Work Together?
- Larry Bridgesmith, Vanderbilt School of Law
- Adel ElMessiry, Utilize Health
- Will Blackford, GEODIS
Moderator: Philip FitzGerald, Belmont Health Law Journal
Student Notes
Clay Brewer, Help Us, Help You: Big Tech and the Future of Personal Health Records
Ryland Close, Blockchain for DSCSA Compliance
To see Volume III in full, click here.